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15 જુલાઈ, 2015

Sabarkantha District Co-operative Milk Producer's Union Ltd. Sabar Dairy Recruitment for Assistant Manager Posts 2015

Sabarkantha District Co-operative Milk Producer's
Union Ltd. Sabar Dairy Published Notification of
Recruitment of Asst.Manager posts,more details
are Given below.
Organization Name:  Sabarkantha District Co-
operative Milk Producer's Union Ltd.
Post Name:
1.Assistant Manager(HR)
2.Assistant Manager (Purchase)
3.Assistant Manager (Marketing)
Educational Qualification:Get more details from
official Notification.
Age Limit :35 Year Maximum
How to Apply?
Eligible candidate will have to send their
application at the following e-mail address .
E-mail Address: jobs@sabardairy.coop
Last Date :Within 15 days from the date of
Advt.Published(Advt.Published date:15-07-2015)
View Official Notification in below image:

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